
penWhat should your greentech marketing strategy look like? Is it effective? How can it be improved? It’s true – today’s marketing choices can be overwhelming. But I can help. My copywriting services and strategies will provide the professional edge your marketing needs to generate leads.

If you’re a greentech company, providing innovative solutions – whether software, hardware or other technical services – in the B2B arena, there are a number of powerful marketing strategies that you can leverage. Maybe you’re unaware of some of these strategies. Or perhaps you’ve neglected  them and have yet to see their full potential.

EnviroTech Marketing is here to help you determine which approaches suit you and your products and services the best. Whatever marketing mix is right for you, my overriding goal is to always develop clarity in your message and to communicate your unique value to customers. With this simple approach to providing top-quality content in the following categories, you’re lead generation will sky-rocket.

Case Studies

case studiesIf you haven’t realised the benefit of adding case studies to your marketing mix, then you should. The power of story provides an authentic way to engage and connect with potential customers and nurture leads. Case studies provide a great way to validate your reputation and product using compelling combinations of narrative, testimonials and statistics. With EnviroTech Marketing you benefit from my training, expertise and efficiency in delivering high-impact case studies that will boost your brand. Learn more here.

Video Scripts

video sales lettersThe use of online video is exploding. And many B2B & B2C companies are taking advantage of the power of video in their marketing strategy. Video adds diversity and accomplishes what other forms of marketing can struggle to communicate. It engages through an interactive, audio-visual experience that educates, informs, stimulates and connects you with your viewers. And the incredible effectiveness of video marketing is well-documented. But for video to be successful, it has to be done well. That’s why a specialized copywriter like EnviroTech is critical. You need someone familiar with your market and specifically trained in the writing and production of video that remains up-to-date with current best practices.  Learn more here.

White Papers & Special Reports

white papers

White papers are highly valuable in establishing and reinforcing you and your business as the expert in your industry.

White papers simply market a product, service, process or idea through education. And businesses really do use white papers as part of their decision-making process. Research has shown that  84% of businesses found white papers to be moderately to extremely influential in making purchasing decisions. And white papers get passed around A LOT – increasing the reach of your company and product / service, and further establishing your authority in your industry.

It is critical that white papers not only educate but blend description with persuasive marketing. That’s where the true value of white papers can be found. And that’s why specialist white paper copywriters are in demand: blending the educational and factual with subtle persuasion without any hard sells is an art form.  Envirotech can help establish your position in the market by writing effective white papers for your product or service- find out more here.

Web Content

web content

Your website is perhaps your most critical marketing asset. Web content ( or “web copy”), is paramount to the success of your website… and your business.

The purpose of every piece of marketing communications that you release to the world should be to help your business sell your products or services. That means the structure of your website, down to every page, paragraph and sentence, is critical and should be assessed.

If you’re website is in need of a facelift or even a complete re-write, or  if you’re looking to increase traffic, engage visitors, establish authority and generate more inquiries, then you should take a look here and then contact me – and we can make it happen!

Site Audits

site audits

A site audit can make all the difference in the success of your web presence. Using current best practices in web standards, search engine rankings, navigation techniques, customer engagement and conversion, a strategic site audit by EnviroTech will help identify deficiencies in your web site as well as uncover opportunities to extend your reach across the web.  My site audits can dramatically improve your competitive positioning, traffic and leads,… and ultimately your sales. You can find out more about what’s involved and how my audits are conducted by going here.

Email Marketing

email marketing

Email marketing is an grossly undervalued resource in the B2B community. The numbers don’t lie though- research shows that staying in touch with your existing customers and prospects can make a significant difference in your results as your network is widened, your authority is established and you and your company remain top-of-mind. Providing useful content, blog posts, press-releases, and more, all regularly “drip-fed” to your subscribers is an excellent low-cost, high-return way to get results.

Email newsletters are especially great opportunities in the B2B and B2C markets. But newsletters and other email marketing, while offering  great ROI, have to be done well – the content has to be top-notch and engaging. It has to establish authority, be useful, and say “read me!” This is where trained copywriters come in. You can find out more about the power and art of email marketing here.