Case Studies

case studiesEverybody enjoys a good story. Your potential customers are no exception – they want to hear authentic stories from existing customers- stories that speak of  success with your product or service, the benefits they’ve experienced, and even obstacles they have encountered. These Case Studies are enormously important in generating and nurturing leads and in providing unbiased, third-party validation of your service/product.

Over the past decade “greenwashing” has left a swathe of scepticism about green technologies among consumers and even within the B2B community. That’s why Case Studies can be an even more crucial element of your marketing strategy – they provide hype-free reinforcement of your brand.

That’s why, if you haven’t considered professionally-written, strategically-planned case studies in your marketing approach, you should.

But do you have the expertise or time to deliver effective, compelling  case studies that hit the right buttons and draw the desired response?

Case studies require a unique development approach. Knowing how to research and communicate with clients and customers can make all the difference when it comes to efficiency in the writing process as well as the quality and impact of the final product.

A copywriter specifically trained in the writing and delivery of high-impact case studies provides you and your company a huge advantage. One  that is also familiar with the environmental / green-tech industry, and who knows the right questions to ask, and who can communicate your unique technical concepts in a simple but highly engaging manner, provides you with even more benefits!

That’s exactly where EnviroTech Marketing comes in.

You don’t simply get a copywriter for your case studies, but someone that knows how to gain maximum leverage from your case studies. For example, I can provide a greater ROI by adapting your case studies to presentations, video scripts, sales pages and brochures, testimonials, and more.

To find out more and talk about how you can use case studies to generate and nurture your sales leads, contact me today.