Site Audit

site audits

Whatever Greentech or Cleantech product or service you’re marketing, EnviroTech Marketing can provide a strategic site audit and assessment that can improve your website results and uncover new opportunities to extend your reach.

The assessment can make an enormous difference in your competitive positioning, traffic and leads,… and ultimately your sales.

That’s why EnviroTech studies,  researches and stays up-to-date with the current trends in:

  • Search engine rankings,
  • Attracting more prospects via search results,
  • Engaging visitors on your site when they visit so that they stay longer,
  • Guiding visitors efficiently to the information and solutions they’re after, and
  • Converting more of these visitors into valuable leads.

A site audit requires a strategic approach. Your content has to be  measured against current web best practices.

Firstly, your site is comprehensively evaluated based on a number of elements: (1) how it engages customers, (2) where it ranks among the competition, (3) the clarity of the message and ease of use, (4) the effectiveness of conversion strategies (5) and the consistency in the theme and flow throughout the site.

Secondly, a detailed report of your site’s strengths and opportunities is provided. This includes specific suggestions and key opportunities for improvements.

Finally, we will review the report together and discuss strategic ways to improve your results across all pages or in the most critical sections of your site.

If you are looking for better returns from your website, then contact me today.