Video Scripts

video sales letters

There’s no better way to share your product / service with prospects than through video. Online video has grown enormously in the past decade and businesses have started to realise the tremendous benefits  of adding video to their marketing mix. Whether B2C or B2B, video can be easily leveraged on your website and in your communications.

Video adds diversity and accomplishes what other forms of marcom can struggle to communicate. That’s why video can be so successful. It engages people on a different level- it provides an interactive, audio-visual experience that educates, informs, stimulates and connects you with your viewers.  The effectiveness of video in marketing is well-documented. MarketingExperiments found that video marketing increases click-through rates by 750% over traditional banner ads. That’s right: over 7-fold! Video can even be used to improve customer and colleague engagement through email communication. GetResponse found emails containing video received, on average, a 5.6 percent higher open rate. But more importantly, they received a 96.38 percent higher click-through-rate (CTR) than non-video emails!

These videos don’t have to be feature-length productions or Hollywood quality, but the purpose and content of each are critical to their success. That’s where a specialized copywriter comes in – one that is not only familiar with your market but also specifically trained in the writing and production of video and remains up-to-date with what is working best in the world of online video.

Here are just some ways that EnviroTech can help you enhance your marketing mix using the power of video:

  1. Demonstrate your product or service — Don’t just tell your prospects how your product or service works, show them. When customers actually see the benefits they’ll experience, the impact is much more significant.
  2. Customer testimonials — These are excellent alternatives to traditional written case studies. Having a real life client show their face and talk about the benefits of your product or service or their experience with your company, provides an added level of assurance and transparency for your prospects.
  3. Introduce your staff — Putting a face and personality to your product or services can help to establish and solidify the bond between an organization and their customers. This can be effectively accomplished through videos that feature employees explaining aspects of their role and how what they do benefits clients.
  4. Training & How To’s — Showing your customers how to get more out of your products and services is a great way to add value for your customers.  It can save both parties time and money and makes life a little easier. Similarly, customer returns can be minimized by including brief instructional videos for the purchased product.
  5. Frequently Asked Questions — Customer support can be dramatically enhanced by addressing common questions and issues in video.
  6. Add Authority — Video is a great way to establish your presence and authority in the market. Interviews with experts, whether internal or external to your organisation add authority. Similarly, relaying important industry news to your prospects and customers also establishes your authority and increases your followers.
  7. Company Profile — Video is a great way to introduce your company and position yourself above the competition. Prospects will appreciate a concise overview of your company, your history, and the unique benefits of your products and services.
  8. Presentations — Share a presentation about some aspect of your company. Often you can tweak an existing sales and marketing presentation slightly to make it applicable to a more general audience.
  9. Encourage event participation — If your company is staging an upcoming event, a series of videos concerning the benefits of attending is an excellent way to build up people’s desire to attend the event.
  10. Announce company developments — Keep viewers informed about important events and occurrences coming down the road. Feature things your company is doing to help the community.
  11. Other ideas… There are many other ways to incorporate video into your marketing mix. For example, seasonal messages, sharing company milestones,  featuring footage from speaking engagements,  thanking customers for their support, announcing events (if you’re offering a conference, seminars, workshops etc.), encouraging customer engagement and feedback, offering discounts and sharing presentations.

EnviroTech can help you and your company exploit the tremendous surge of online video opportunities available to you by helping you create compelling and concise video scripts to showcase your products and services.

We can discuss any of the possible ways to leverage video in your business. You can contact me here today.