Web Content

web copy

Your website is perhaps your most critical marketing asset. Web copy, (or “content”), is paramount to the success of your website… and your business.

The purpose of every piece of marketing communications that you release to the world should be to help your business sell your products or services. That means the structure of your website, down to every page, paragraph and sentence, is critical and should be assessed.

So, does your web content contribute to your authority? Does it attract traffic? Is it customer-centric and is it easily navigated? Is it consistent in voice, tone and theme? And does it help convert visitors into prospects, genuine leads and paying customers?

Content takes various forms from landing pages to blog posts. All are crucial in attracting visitors, establishing authority and generating inquiries. EnviroTech Marketing can help you with all aspects of web content so that your web presence really does become your most valuable marketing asset. In particular, EnviroTech can help with:

  • New website content
  • Refreshing existing web content
  • Landing pages
  • Blog posts
  • Search engine optimization

Web content from EnviroTech Marketing will:

1. Grab and hold attention

Studies show that the average visitor spends somewhere between 1 and 8 seconds scanning a web page before moving on.  Most people don’t read your website, they scan it. Content structure is key, and this includes attention-grabbing headlines and sub-headlines. Failure to grab attention means missed opportunities.

2. Focus on your visitors & help them find what they want

Your website visitors didn’t just land on your page by accident. They are looking for something. And your web copy needs to help them achieve this task. Good web writing helps the reader find what they’re looking for fast. And plain language helps, even in tech-heavy markets.

3. Strike a chord with your customers

It’s imperative that you know who your visitors are, how they behave on your site, what they’re looking for, the language they’re using, how your competitors rank, and what larger trends are taking place in your market. That’s a lot to uncover, but thankfully there are tools that allow answers to these questions. And when you have these answers, your web content can be added and tweaked and site structure can be modified so that ultimately your lead generation will increase. And of course, that’s what it’s all about!

4. Establish authority and trust

One of the best ways to establish authority and trust is to create lots of free, valuable content, like blog posts, lists and special reports. There are other ways too, such as adding case studies, testimonials, white papers, videos, newsletters, informative FAQ pages, and more.

5. Get your visitors to do something

Whether B2C or B2B, you should provide your site visitors with opportunities to take some kind of action. It could be signing up for your newsletter, requesting a special report, following you or your company on twitter, visiting your Facebook page, completing a form to request more information, or even picking up the phone to call you! This is where the inquiries are generated. And this is where great web writing pays.

If you’re website is in need of a facelift or even a complete re-write, or  if you’re looking to increase traffic, engage visitors, establish authority and generate more inquiries, then contact me today- we can make it happen!