White Papers

white papers

A white paper is crucial in establishing and reinforcing you and your business as the expert in your industry.  

White papers simply market a product, service, process or idea through education. They sell a solution to a problem by first educating the reader about the problem, why the problem matters, and why a particular approach to the problem is a better option to the current approach, using valuable, credible information. It is critical that white papers not only educate but blend description with persuasive marketing,… like a cross between an informative magazine article and a convincing sales brochure.

White papers were originally guides or reports published in the government policy, academic and technical fields. More recently they have become very popular, and highly effective marketing tools in the business-to-business sector. Research by Eccolo Media found that 84% of businesses found white papers to be moderately to extremely influential in making purchasing decisions. 

An effective white paper has to hit all the right notes, and it takes a skilful copywriter to produce one. When done properly, a white paper can be effectively leveraged across three stages in the sales process:  lead generation, formal evaluation, and final buying decisions. In fact, recent surveys by Eccolo Media show how widely white papers are used in the purchasing process from start to finish. Almost 89% of those receiving and reading white papers pass these white papers on to colleagues and peers, and 33% will forward a single white paper on to more than three peers. That’s how valuable white papers are in the decision-making process.

If you have not considered white papers in your marketing strategy, you really should consider it. And if you are already familiar with the power of white papers for your Greentech / Cleantech product or service, ensure the best possible ROI by selecting EnviroTech Marketing for your next white paper. EnviroTech Marketing makes the process easy.

I distinguish between different types of white paper and, based on your marketing requirements, produce tailor-made materials that range from more technical background white papers, through more light and easily-digestible list-based white papers to more educational, problem-solution based white papers.

Whatever your marketing needs, and at whatever stage of the prospect/customer relationship,  EnviroTech can produce highly effective white papers that will position you and your product / service as an impressive, viable, optimal solution. Our soft-sell white papers will educate and empower your prospects to make up their own minds while positioning you as an industry expert. If you are ready to impress your visitors and prospects with your subject matter expertise, contact me today.